The South Pacific Book Chat (#spbkchat on twitter) is so much fun. Every Thursday night - 6pm JPN time/8pm AUST Eastern/10pm NZ time - twittererers come together to talk about that week's topic.
The topics - so far - have been set by consensus between me, Marg and Tanabata, with the occasional (and very welcome) suggestion from the twitter peanut-gallery.
Some have asked what the schedule is for the chat, and while it's essentially run by the three of us, it also belongs to all of the people who show up to chat about the one passion we all have in common, whatever the subject of the week might be - books.
So, #spbkchat people, here's the schedule from Thursday, November 25, to Thursday, Februray 2. If you have any ideas for topics for us, hit us up in the comments here, or on twitter:
We'd love to hear from you!
Schedule updated, January 3:
The List:
11/25/2010 General book chat
12/2/2010 Buying books for gifts
12/9/2010 Crime
12/16/2010 Christmas Reads
12/23/2010 General book chat
12/30/2010 Best books of the year
1/6/2011 New Year Reading Resolutions
1/13/2011 Burma
1/20/2011 E-books/Availability
1/27/2011 Australia Day
2/3/2011 General book chat
2/10/2011 Japan Day
2/17/2011 Bookish podcasts
2/24/2011 Genre - fantasy
3/3/2011 General chat
3/10/2011 NZ YA (NB: March is NZ Book month)
3/17/2011 Book blogger meet-ups
3/24/2011 Re-reading
3/31/2011 Classics
4/7/2011 General chat
The chat is designed to be time zone-friendly, like I said, to Asia/the South Pacific, but it's an open forum on twitter, so if you happen to be around, you love books like we do, and you have something to say ... jump in - we'd love to hear from you!
also if some gifted person could make us a button for the blog, I would be internally grateful - Maree